While this place does present a cute and the wholesome vibe, you can sense that this place has, even more, to offer behind the soft pastel display. What will you find? more magical girls? maybe some cute pixels? an avatar closet? a diary containing the rants and raves of a dorky NEET? a few spelling mistakes? maybe on your journey through this place you find a shrine or two or stumble across a meme or two or three, or even discover a gallery dedicated to a certain bespectacled aardvark? Who knows? only time and exploration will tell!

¸.•¨`♬ʕ ノ•ᴥ•ʔ Hello and Welcome! ノ♫ヽʕ•ᴥ•ʔノ♩ヽʕ •ᴥ•ʔノ♬*`.♫

(─‿‿─.) (─‿‿─.) ( ̄▽ ̄)ノHowdy, Loudy! I'm Cinderpeach but you can also call me Ash, welcome to my room in the big interconnected house called the internet! I spend most of my time on the internet and I decided to make myself my own little place away from the loud and some

I like to surf the web and find cool stuff, and with my own personal site I'm able to share all the super cool stuff I find to my heart's content in my own cutesy (sometimes really weird oof) way! On here I'll also be sharing stuff I like (and hyper-fixate about) in general like magical/anime girls, cartoons, cute mascots, memes, cute pixels, stamps, blinkies and other cute stuff, so if you like any of that stuff feel free to stick around

This place is also cool way meet other people who are wildly creative, and super cool ( like me!), so if you have a banger of a site feel free to drop link in my guestbook and don't forget to share any

Working on some new pixels for the Jam Jar collection
Working on setting up the worlds page of my site, gonna try to promote more of my OCs on here this year, yee yee

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