Mood: |
Watching: None |
Listening to: |
Eating: |
Drinkinig: |
Working on: Coding this page, homie |
Worried about: getting a cold |
Spet 22 2020..... yay first post, hoi ![]() First, I just wanted to say See you, Cyberspace Cowboys.. |
Mood: |
Watching: Nothing |
Listening to: The New World Vaporwave Mix |
Eating: Curry Cup Noodle |
Drinkinig: Strawberry Ramune |
Working on: Updating this Site/designing mascot |
Worried about: everything and nothing all at the same time! |
Spet 22 2020..... yay Long Time No See.....I think? ![]() Oof, sorry that I've not been updating you guys (or this site..oof). I get in BIG bouts in my anxiety where I wanna do so many things (because I'm always working on a bunch of projects at once) where if I try to do anything it NEVER feels like I'm doing the right thing, and that leads me into a weird cycle of me just scrolling through my socials, and looking at all the stuff people got done, and I'm just over here in some where anxiety included freeze-frame thing...(if that makes any sense). So, to combat that I decided I'm going to start making to to-dost for myself, at first I used to think only strict/no fun having people use to do and without one they dont know how to function (but this purely based on what I've seen from cartoon n' stuff oof), and I thought that would make me boring for having one (which is the reason why I've been afraid to start one) but I realized that I REALLY do need a to do list because I always find myself comparing my work to others and looking up whats the best step to take, and I always feel super satisfied when I'm able to follow a how-to tutorial on whatever I'm learning down to a t.So,now I have a to-do list system added to my happy bullet journal, hopeful I'll be able to keep this system up for as long as it helps me. Anyways, enough IRL stuff lets move on to the web stuff! I set up one of the sections in my extra stuff/fun stuff, the image collection, and the first one I finished out of that section was the Arthur screenshot collection page. I'm SUPER proud of how it came out, I think everything on the page really flows together especially the music, Hot Dad did an amazing job on that track, it has a weird mystic nostalgic-type feel.Next I wanna work on the reaction and memes page, but I also kind of wanna work on the mood board page, idk I guess I just have to see what happens, but then next page I know FOR SURE I'm going to work on is the chao page! Steam had a sale recently celebrating Sega's 60th anniversary and I got Nights Into Dreams for free and I got Sonic Adventure 2 for only 3 BUCKS! I've been debating whatever or not I should get that game on Steam FOREVER! one of the reason is because I'm not that good at sonic games, I guess you could say "I'm too slow" for them, but I have fond memories of watching my brother play and helping out with the chao garden when I was a youth! another reason is that I still have my brother's Gamecube and his copy of SA2, so techincally I could just play that, but what gets me with the steam verison is the CHAO WORLD MOD, that's just super amazing and through and lets you customize your Chao to high heavens and has cute extra Chao interactions! that basically sold me on the game, and with much the Chao mod as to offer it kind of makes the game entirely new (at least in my opinion). Other than becoming a chao mother, I've been taking of adding a cute mascot to my site, while I do love the look of my site so far, I feel like its really missing something, and think a cute mascot is just the thing, I think its because I have so many faves from a magical girl and moe anime, its super hard for me to choose just one to be the face of my site, I've decided that I'm just going to try to make own character that gives out the same cute and feel-good vibes as my faves. Plus, its a really good way for me to practice pixel art and I like to make OCs and stuff anyways.I think that's all I have to say..OH! wait I forgot that I finally put my site ID, I recently got mine's in my Email recently and I'm so excited to trade and collect more cute cards from all the cool peeps on this site. My site ID is in the web collection section and I also added it to my about me page, leave a comment on my profile or guestbook if you wanna trade. OKAY, NOW I think that's all wanted to talk about, so if I'm not updating on here for a long time, I'm prolly busy taking caring of some cute Chao See you, Cyberspace Cowboys.. |
Mood: |
Watching:None (atm) |
Listening to:Late Night YT Livestream |
Eating:None |
Drinkinig:None |
Working on: Bliss Mascott |
Worried about:being active on Neocities more |
Dec 19 2020 Making a Mascot,aye ![]() Soo, I've been meaning to update my site, and be more active, BUT I didn't want to start doing stuff on here again UNTIL I finished my site mascot. While, I do LOVE how my site looks and I'm very proud of how far I've come (espially with how this site first look like OOF!), but I felt like something was missing, then when looking around at neocities I realized that alot of them seemed to have a "face" or "mascot", and I thought "Wow, maybe I can do that do"! but then I realized that out of all my anime best girls I couldnt pick just ONE! so I just diecided to fused them all togehter to make... ![]() BLISS ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() OK but just ok, I think the fact that I got most of the model aessets from deviantart, the only think that I made by myself is the sweater and the hat. Since Bliss -net is a "handmade" site, the mascot should also be "handmade", so I scraped this model, went back to the drawing board (or sketchbook pro) and start back from square one!!!![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() YASS!!! this is what the type of LOOK I'm talking about!!! Now,THIS is the mascot I'm talking about! After months of working on this mascot I think I finally come to a happy end. Right now, I've been making props for Bliss,so far I made her a phone, her fave soda, and her robo friend... the only things left to make is her wing-shaped jet pack, and her heart shaped laptop![]() ![]() ![]() Anyways, that's mostly all I wanted to talk about in this post, other than being noticed by one of my VA senpais on Twitter, that's all for now folks, until next time.. See you, Cyberspace Cowboys.. ![]() |
Mood: |
Watching:Spiderverse (because its leaving Netflix like tomorrow!!) |
Listening to: Sad Indie Kid Playlist |
Eating:None |
Drinkinig: Brown Sugar Bubble Tea Drink |
Working on: Bliss Mascott/Notion Wiki |
Worried about:Next Year |
Mood: Inspired |
Watching: well, I WAS watching a LP of Resident Evil 8 earlier |
Listening to: Nouveau Life™ : New World™ by Vapor Memory |
Eating: Hamburger |
Drinkinig: Strawberry Lemonade |
Working on: General site stuff |
Nothing atm (surprisingly) |
Date Title ![]() OOF! First of all I just like to say ![]() THANK YOU!!![]() But I recently realize that I could just start with a simple basic layout and then build up from there as a better idea starts to form, and I still work on other smaller to stuff in the meantime. I know its a pretty simple thing to understand but I just don't want it to look like I'm abandoning this site or any of my projects for that matter, I'm always in fear of losing inspiration or motivation to continue working on project, but to be honest that RARELY EVER happens to me and when it does its mostly for the best because I wasn't in the right mind set to finish the project anyways, and/or the project wasn't that cool in the first place. Not being able to work on smaller project was also the reason why I didn't update this section of the site like I said I would because I just had that fear of an unfinished project looming over my head, and making me feel bad. But no more that, I want to able to work on all kinds of cool stuff on my site to share with you all. Recently, I just put up my first html game as a stora of gift to my 100 followers, its still kind of janky (because it's my first game) and I really shouldn't have start out with a game with THAT many menus, I honestly should have started out with a simple drag n' drop game (which is going to be the types of game I'll be making for a while) before starting something like that, even with that said I'm still pretty proud with how it came out (even with a few bugs) but I still plan to polish it from time to time as my game coding skills and improve and to have some update to add some more cute stuff like more animals, more sweets, and I'm even thinking about adding some more mystical/fantasy food/sweets items to game as well (we'll see how that goes). The next game I make will be an actual dress up game with a person, featuring one my site OCs, Yuki I haven't added her to the site because I want to add Bliss's page first before others. Yuki is teenage girl who loves every thing goth and pink and vampires, so much so that she believes that she's secretly a lost vampire princess and she spends each and every day waiting for her cute vampire prince to come whisk her away to some beatiful goth castel where they can live happily ever after and have a cute vampire family. ![]() Anyways, I'm really excited to add more cool stuff to my site and still want to work on the smaller sections like my memes and image collection, my genki gifs, my shrines and my--well a bunch of other stuff! I'm really proud how far my site has come, even don't I feel like I'm not that proud sometimes, I think deep down I'm really AM! and I hope you guys know that I really appreciate all of you cheering me on, and I hope my work and my site inspires you as much as your works and sites inspire me. I really hope no one thinks I'm copying / stealing ideas from them (another one of my fears) but I don't think any one feels that way so far, which is good! I hope this blog post finds you well! until next time, see you cyberspace cowboy!~<3 |